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Download our Evaluation Data
For our workshop, we’re going to be using some fake evaluation survey data to build a data dashboard. Some of the questions in the survey come from a real evaluation survey, and some are made up. The data itself is completely fake, but is a good sample of survey data with likert scale and demographic responses.
You’ll want to download this data (it’s in an Excel spreadsheet) to the laptop you’ll be using in our workshop.
In our workshop, we’ll be connecting this downloaded spreadsheet to Power BI and building a dashboard with it.
Don’t modify it at all, just download it to a place on your laptop you can navigate to in our workshop. Just save it someplace where you can find it in the workshop. It may not look the cleanest, but we’ll be learning a couple data cleaning functions that are built right into Power BI.
So, download the Excel spreadsheet above. We’ll be making something cool with it.
If you have any questions, please email me at joe@traversdata.com. I want to make sure we’re all on the same page as we start our workshop together.