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Questions and Answers

What do I need to do BEFORE our workshop?

Who is the workshop for?

This Power BI workshop is a Crash Course, so it’s for complete beginners. Like, if you’ve never done anything in Power BI before, these 2 hours will teach you everything you need to know to make a simple dashboard – connecting data, cleaning data, making visuals, sharing your dashboard.

If you already use Power BI and know how to do all this, you’ll find this workshop pretty boring. You are still welcome, but you may be bored.

When is our workshop?

Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 11:30 am – 2:15 pm

Where is our workshop?

Our workshop is scheduled to be a room named D133-134

Here’s a handy map of where it is in the Oregon Convention Center:

Still check when you get to the Conference (and I’ll send out an update if I hear anything about any changes).

Can we get a recording of our workshop?

Heck yes you can! I’ll either record our session LIVE or, if the Audio/Visual tech doesn’t co-operate, I’ll make a separate recording of all the material for you.

I’ll send it to everyone after our workshop, so you can find everything we learn, and watch it as much as you want.

Will we get a break? Please let us have a break!

Of course! We’ll take a break about halfway through our time together.

Is this a hands-on workshop?

You betcha. It’s not mandatory, but you can build a Power BI report right along with me during the workshop, using Power BI desktop and the same evaluation data I’ll be using. See the first question on this page about needing to download and install Power BI desktop and download our sample data BEFORE the workshop.

What material will we be covering?

So many things in just over 2 hours!

  • The Power BI user interface
  • Connecting to data
  • Transforming and cleaning data
  • Making charts! Bar charts! Donut charts! Maps!
  • Slicing and Filtering data
  • Branding and Colors
  • Sharing your dashboard

Tell us more about you, Joe?

Sure! I live in Toronto, Canada.

I’ve worked with data since the late 90s and have been involved with data entry, analysis, governance, and visualization and reporting. I’ve spent a lot of my career working with researchers and evaluation professionals.

I’m a long time member of Dr. Stephanie Evergreen’s Evergreen Academy and now help teach academy members data visualization techniques in Excel and Power BI. I also build the Academy’s Power BI tutorials.

I design (and teach others to design) Power BI dashboards for a wide array of organizations, both for Stephanie’s clients, and my own at Travers Data.

I also have a monthly newsletter about making Power BI user-friendly called “People Friendly Power BI”, and have created a resource called How To Use Power BI that has short easy posts/videos on how to do a lot in Power BI.

Have more questions for me? Email me at joe@traversdata.com.

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