In this post we’re going to learn how to format Pie Charts.I highly recommend that before learning from this post you watch/read the post about how to make a Pie Chart, which goes over how NOT to make them as well. Pie Charts are your best chart option in very…
How to make a Pie Chart in Power BI
Let’s learn how to make everyone’s fave chart in Power BI, the Pie Chart!Just kidding, Pie Charts don’t get a ton of love in the data visualization world, and there are lots of situations when they should NOT be used, but there are also times when they SHOULD be used.So,…
How to format a Line Chart in Power BI
This post is about how to implement basic formatting in a Line Chart in Power BI. When I say “basic” formatting, I mean what you should do EVERY time you build a Line Chart to make it as easy for your users to understand. For this post (and video) we’re…
How to make a Line Chart in Power BI
To learn how to make a Line Chart, we’re going to start off with a report that already has Excel data connected. If you need to learn how to connect data, go watch the Connecting to Excel Data post first. If you’d like to use the same Power BI file I…
Add a Benchmark Line to a Bar Chart in Power BI
Let’s learn how to add a benchmark line to a Bar Chart! Benchmark lines are great for showing progress towards (or beyond) a target. For this post we’re going to start with a Power BI file that already has a simple Bar Chart made, and we’re going to add a…
How to Format a Bar Chart in Power BI
This post is about the basics/essentials of formatting a Bar Chart in Power BI. When I say formatting BASICS, I mean what you should do EVERY time you build a bar chart to make it as easy for your users to understand. For this post we’re going to start with…
How to make a Bar Chart in Power BI
Learn the basics of making a Bar Chart with this post. We won’t get into too much detail about the many things we can do with bar charts, but those will be their own tutorials. Video: Written Instructions: We’re going to start off with a report that already has Excel…