The ALL function in DAX is a simple yet extremely versatile function that let’s us override any filters or slicers that may be affecting what data is coming into a calculation or visual. We’re going to learn how it works with a simple example using a CALCULATE function. (I…
This post is a high level look at the SELECTEDVALUE DAX function. This function is at once extremely simple and straightforward but can be used in a myriad of ways to filter data, indicate if data is filtered, even manipulate your report design to look different ways based on what…
Knowing how to use the CALCULATE function is like knowing a cool super power. We’re going to learn the basics of it today, but it’s extremely versatile.The CALCULATE function performs a calculation on data but then lets you specify what data you want that calculation done on. Let’s try it out. We’re…
The Basics of Slicers In Power BI
Let’s learn about Slicers! Slicers are a LOT like Filters, but live right ON your Power BI report’s canvas so your report viewers can interact directly with them and decide how to slice and dice the data in the other visuals. For this post (and the video below) we’re going…
The Filter Pane
In this post we’ll be going over the basics of the Power BI Filter Pane, including the many many ways we can use it to filter our visuals differently. We’ll be using a simple pre-built report to learn about the basics of the Filter Pane. You can download a copy…